The Theory of Life by Krystalina Padilla

The Theory of Life by Krystalina Padilla

I challenge the theory of my life

Within the pale slabs of my apartment walls,

The tan, sandpaper of my skin, and 

The coarse blood that runs red lights

In search of something deeper, and farther 

Within my soul.


They ask me about the moment I realized

I had fallen. Was I scared?

Did I bruise my knee on pavement?

Is my blood still beneath the concrete

As a remnant of my past? 


A synchrony of choirs sing your lullaby at night,

While I am pacing to and from the 

minutes to replace the hands on the clock.


I will not let you foretell a life that wants me to fail.


The evolution of my being 

Has yet to be told,

But it is unfolding like origami and 

I am a swan floating across a shallow lake.


She by Akosua Nyantakyi